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Cabin fever?

Cabin fever is a popular term for a relatively common reaction to being isolated or confined for an extended period of time. Cabin fever is not a specific diagnosis, but rather a constellation of symptoms that can occur under these circumstances.

If you are experiencing cabin fever as a result of social distancing or self-quarantine in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, you may be feeling additional stress beyond that which stems from simply being isolated. There are ways to combat the anxiety you may be feeling.


Not everyone suffering from cabin fever will experience exactly the same symptoms, but many people report feeling intensely irritable or restless. Other commonly experienced effects are:

  • Decreased motivation

  • Difficulty waking

  • Food cravings

  • Frequent napping

  • Hopelessness

  • Lack of patience

  • Lethargy

  • Sadness or depression

  • Trouble concentrating

Note that these symptoms may also be indicative of a wide range of other disorders. If these symptoms are distressing or impact your functioning, a trained mental health professional could help you determine if you have a treatable disorder.


If your symptoms are relatively mild, taking active steps to combat your feelings may be enough to help you feel better. If they are impacting you more significantly, they are best addressed with the assistance of a therapist or other mental health professional. Also:

  • Get Out of the House

  • Maintain normal eating patterns

  • Set Goals

  • Use Your Brain

  • Exercise

While staying indoors and social distancing may run counter to our instinct for socialization, it is imperative that we heed the strict guidelines. It is important to take this situation seriously and face and evaluate the necessity of being stuck indoors with ‘cabin fever.’


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